Check Your Withholding

Do a paycheck checkup. It is especially important this year because of all the tax-law changes that have occurred and likely will continue to occur for 2018. Your goal should be neither to owe a large amount nor to receive a large refund. IRS released a withholding calculator in February incorporating the tax-law changes that […]

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The Right 529 Plan For You

With school resuming soon, higher education enters many parents’ minds. The main issue besides choosing the right school is how to pay for that school. Many people are aware of 529 college plans, and every state offers one, but which is the best one for your child?  Let Mentor Capital help you navigate through the […]

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Some thoughts as the Dow reaches 20,000

A 20,000 Dow – What does it mean? As with any milestone number, the Dow approaching 20,000 has many people excited but not sure what to do.  Should we buy in now because the stock market will go higher?  Or should we take gains to free up cash in case the market declines?  The simplest […]

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Last Minute Tax Tips

As we move into the final days of 2014, it’s not too late to take actions that can reduce your tax bill. As usual, all else being equal, it’s a good idea to defer income and accelerate deductions. Waiting until 2015 to realize capital gains can make sense, as can bunching deductions like charitable donations […]

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How to Freeze your Credit File

Putting a security freeze on your credit report is now an option in Illinois for consumers concerned about identity theft. A security freeze prohibits (with certain exceptions) the credit reporting agency from releasing your credit report or any information from it without your express authorization. The credit reporting agency may charge up to $10 each […]

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NAPFA: It’s in Your Best Interest

Most clients of Mentor Capital are familiar with NAPFA, the National Association of Personal Financial Advisers. This is the Fee-Only financial planning industry organization that promotes objectivity, transparency and elimination of conflicts of interest when working with clients.   NAPFA members, like advisers of Mentor Capital, gladly accept the fiduciary responsibility always to act in […]

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Dirty Money

New York University researchers have discovered some grimy details about your $1 bills … and the findings might make you want to wash your hands more than once.   Researchers at NYU found more than 3,000 different types of bacteria. That’s right – 3,000! Researchers with NYU’s “Dirty Money Project” collected 80 $1 bills from […]

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