Why ‘Annuity’ is not always a dirty word; Transferring Retirement Risk; 2015 Retirement Plan Limits; Weekly Market Commentary
Don’t Feel Bad for Small Caps; What Happens to Credit Card Debt; Weekly Market Commentary
How to Add a Real Asset to your Portfolio; Health Insurance Marketplace Check-Up; Weekly market review
Keeping investment cost down pays; How to freeze your credit file; Weekly market review
When LTC insurance makes sense; Addressing negative issues; Before you retire; Obamatax could cost you thousands; July market review
NAPFA conference review; Modern approach to wealth management; Mutual funds ban frequent traders; June market review
Rolling over your 401(k); Dirty money, April market review
Fraud protection; Password safety; Affording college; Annual market review
Helpful tips for year-end tax planning; Help a charity, help yourself
Periodic life insurance review is essential; What You Need to Know about Health Savings Accounts; Monthly Market Commentary; Why women should save more.
Staying educated by listening; How Can Grandparents Help with College Costs?; Monthly Market Commentary; Making Up for Retirement Shortfalls.
Mentor Capital Invests in state-of-the-art technology; Mentor rolling out investment management system; Monthly Market Commentary; Don’t Forget to Raise Your IRA Contribution.
Consume or save?; Get Your Estate Plan in Gear; Monthly Market Commentary; Focus on Small Business – Tail Gate for Dogs; Don’t Pay Tax Twice;
Savings for an Emergency; A last resort: Early withdrawal from retirement account; Monthly Market Commentary; Focus on Small Business – Oh, Olive!
Help yourself!; Roth IRA Versus Defined Contribution Plan; Monthly Market Commentary; Social Security expands online functions.
It’s not your mother’s nursing-home insurance anymore; Investing Your Year-End Bonus; Monthly Market Commentary; Happy Holidays from Mentor Capital!
Standing on the Edge of an Opportunity; Monthly Market Commentary; Recent Bond Performance Explained; Inflation Proof Picasso.
Intriguing facts about capital assets; Monthly Market Commentary; The Politics of Oil; Bittersweet; Like a Fine Wine.
Roth IRA versus Defined Contribution Plan; Monthly Market Commentary; Eliminate Your Value Gap
More flavor, more fun; Monthly Market Commentary
Masters to serve; In Case of Emergency; Monthly Market Commentary; Need a Second Opinion?
Retirement Income Sources; Consumer Alert! A Call to Action – HR 4624; Behind the Veil of Anonymity; Monthly Market Commentary; Mentor Capital Sponsors Elmhurst College Gof Outing.
Wealth by Numbers; Dividends and Taxes: Dos and Don’ts; Monthly Market Commentary; A World of Opportunity.
The Problem with Pensions; Social Insecurity; Monthly Market Commentary; Securing Your Portfolio
Chasing income; Monthly Market Commentary; Applications for property tax exemptions available; Simple Steps for Late Savers
Bond Basics; What is a Credit Score?; Monthly Market Commentary; Handling Sudden Wealth.
New help for underwater homeowners; Who put the “ill” in Illinois?; Monthly Market Commentary; Borrowing from Your Retirement
Introducing Mentor Capital’s new Missive; Monthly Market Commentary; Treasury yield lags muni yield by widest margin in 2 years
Letter of Instruction
Q3 – market review; Employer benefits open enrollment; New health insurance reform laws and Medicare
Do you really know your risk tolerance?; Roth IRA contributions — what you need to know; Our summer intern has returned to school
Riding the stock market rollercoasterEducation expenses and taxes
A little bit about asset protection; Q2 2011 market commentary
Rule 72T; The NAPFA conference experience
Will the Gang of Six succeed?; Mentor has an intern
Investment advisory fees and your taxes; Morality at it’s worst; Markets in review – 1st quarter 2011
The tax benefits of saving for retirement; Markets in review – February 2011
Why you have until April 18, 2011 to file your taxes; The IRS is ready to process your tax return; Gift card bankruptcy
New member of the board; If you can’t beat ’em – cheat ’em; ‘Don’t spit in the wind’ … Or curse an IRS agent
Pensions — what you need to know; 2010 taxes — there’s still time to save
Estate plans – what everyone should know; Passive vs. active; Is your living trust complete?
Savings Bonds for college funds; One last thing before you retire…; We want to hear from you
Being a financial planner is more than just managing investments; Is it campaigning or mud slinging?
The risk of a ‘bear’ bond market; How to protect yourself from ‘phishers’
The ABC’s of paying for college; Bankruptcy – what does it mean; Does your child need a day planner?
The ABC’s of Homeowner’s insurance; Do you know how to raise the U.S. Savings rate?; There is help for the struggling homeowner
Cost effective retirement; A serving of poison, anyone?; How to save on utilities this summer