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As a fiduciary, Mentor Capital Management Inc. has a duty of utmost good faith to act solely in the best interests of each of our clients.  

Our clients entrust us with their funds, which in turn places a high standard on our conduct and integrity.  Our fiduciary duty compels all employees to act with the utmost integrity in all of our dealings. This fiduciary duty is the core principle underlying this Code of Ethics and Personal Trading Policy, and represents the expected basis of all of our dealings with our clients.

Standards of Conduct

This Code of Ethics consists of the following core principles:

  • Interests of clients will be placed ahead of the firm’s or any employee’s own investment interests.
  • Employees are expected to conduct their personal securities transactions in accordance with the personal trading policy and will strive to avoid any actual or perceived conflict of interest with the client.
  • Employees will not take inappropriate advantage of their position with the firm.
  • Employees are expected to act in the best interest of each of our clients.
  • Employees are expected to comply with federal securities laws.

Mentor Capital Management Inc. will provide a complete copy of its code of ethics upon request.

multiethnic smiling businessmen shaking hands