Investing in real estate — the REIT advantage

Real estate offers an attractive supplement to traditional stock, bond and mutual fund investments. It’s tangible and usually more stable than stock and bond prices and often has a low correlation with them. You can invest directly in real estate via your personal residence or by buying rental property. Both offer the opportunity for capital […]

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Mutual fund expenses explained

Q: I want to put some money into a mutual fund but after looking at the company’s web site I’m confused by all of the fees. Can you explain them in laymen’s terms? A: Mutual Fund companies certainly don’t go out of their way to clarify their expenses. Except for a few companies known for their low […]

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Funds, funds, funds

Confused by different types of funds? Here’s a review of what’s what Mutual Funds With over 8,000 funds available, these investment pools are what we usually think of. Strictly speaking they are open-end mutual funds as opposed toclosed-end funds (see below) because the number of outstanding shares is not fixed. Every time an investor wants to invest money […]

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Asset Allocation: More than just diversification

Are your investments properly diversified? How do you know? Diversifica­tion simply means that you don’t have all of your eggs in one basket. The more different types of investments you have the more diversified you are. Asset allocation is a scientific approach to diversification. First, we must carefully define the investment categories. The first breakdown […]

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Steer clear of making investments based on emotions

Here’s a hot investment tip: Don’t try to time the markets, because it doesn’t work. No one knows when a market has hit bottom or when it has topped out. Anyone who promises to show you on a consistent basis how to buy low and sell high is peddling snake oil. In fact most people […]

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Mutual fund fees and expenses

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission wrote a helpful guide to mutual fund expenses and fees.

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Variable Annuities: What you should know

Read through some tips on veriable annuities written by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

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Bond investing: Riskier than you might think

While many investors focus on stocks and give little thought to investing in bonds, allocating a portion of their portfolios to bonds is usually advisable. These fixed-income investments can provide liquidity and stability to a portfolio, and also create a steady stream of income for retirees or others who need fixed income to meet current […]

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Investing in tax-free securities

How would you like an invest­ment that pays interest but where you never have to pay taxes on the income? That’s the attraction of municipal bonds. Municipal bonds, usually referred to as “munis” are issued by state and local governments and the interest they pay is not subject to federal income tax. Certain bonds are […]

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A fixed-income primer

Here is a quick overview of bond types, concepts and terminology. Bonds are securities representing a debt. When you buy a bond you are essentially loaning money in ex­change for interest payments. Unlike stocks, bonds have a maturity date, when the loan will be paid off. Treasury securities are issued by the U.S. government and include […]

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